Numerology World

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Numerology Meanings

Numerology is the study of numbers and the relationship between numbers and certain characteristics of an individual’s personality.  Numerology is the art of converting virtually anything in life to a pure number, then using that number in an attempt to divine some meaningful insight about reality.

Numerology  is the study of numbers and the relationship between numbers and certain characteristics of an individual’s personality.  Numerology readings give an insight to your personality and thus helps you overcome your weaknesses and face life positively.  It is true because of universal spiritual agreement between all life on one level or another.

Here’s some random information I needed to get out about numerology.

Birthday number: get the number of your month of birth, add that to your date of birth, add that to your year of birth. Remember to reduce it all down to one digit.

Birth Day Number 9: The 9 Birth Day is perceived as a people person.  Basing on the date of birth and name of the person we will be able to read the mental state, personality and destiny of a person.

The  “Three Birth Force”  is a people person, they need to be around others and is the creative type.  Your date of birth uncovers the special talent you have.  The Birth Day Number is the day you were born.

Numerological dream books are commonly used by folks to provide lucky betting numbers from what is seen in their dreams.

8: Eights represent delving into the intricacies and complexities of perfecting a craft or completing an endeavor.

3: The Threes represent the first manifestation of the idea, project, or activity in the world. In the Threes, you begin to reach outward with your endeavor, eager to communicate and share your enthusiasm with others.

9: The Nines are the pinnacle of the cycle, when you have reached the greatest ability to manifest and express whatever you have been working on – the third group of three.

6,7: If you have been creating your cycle purposefully and consciously, and have attained a state of personal balance and harmony in the Sixes, the Sevens are likely to bring dynamic new insights that you can integrate into the work of the cycle–without the experience of unexpected personal challenges in your inner or outer life.

1: The Aces/Ones represent beginnings, when some new and unique energy or aspect of one’s personality is ready to be expressed.  Many ideas representing an as yet untapped personal potential will well up.  It is a time to acknowledge and become aware of these possibilities – it is not necessary to settle on any one thing yet, unless there is one idea that is overwhelmingly powerful and attractive. During this time, an emotional attachment to one idea or potential arising in the Aces is formed.  Steps are taken to nurture its expression, whether through study, meditation, emotional commitment or other form of preparation.

Life Path number 1 – As the number says, you are a leader and inventor.  Life Path Number – Uses the complete date of your birth.

Life Path Number 7 – You can be an astrologer, a psychic, researcher, or investigator.

Life Path Number 2 – You can be a great diplomat lawyer, minister politician.

Life Path Number 8 – Your love for studies will take you towards a bright future relating to accounts and finance, sports and medicines.

Life Path Number 5 – You possess inherent persuasive skills.

Life Path Number 4 – You can be a great numerologist, industrialist, engineer and technician.

Chaldean numerology is a very significant numerology system that interprets the different forces that work on the life of an individual.  Chaldean Numerology is a unique system of numerology that divides the two aspects – the inner self and the outer self into two areas.  Chaldean Numerology predates the Western Numerology by quite some time.

Chaldean Numerology also puts a high degree of importance on compound (two-digit) numbers as well as on single digits.  The Chaldean Numerology system takes both your name and birth-date into consideration.  With the Chaldean method, there are individual numbers that provide a great deal more importance.  In Chaldean Numerology no alphabet letter is assigned to the number 9.

Destiny Number: Destiny Number is where your destiny will take you, irrespective of what you desire in life.  Destiny Number = The century and decade and year you were born.

Destiny Quantity:  frequently referred to as your Expression range, the Destiny Amount can be characterized as your “Purpose in Life”.

Destiny Compatibility Number: –  This is the second section or the second tab of the result page of this love numerology software or love numerology calculator.

Destiny Range:  regularly referred to as your Expression amount, the Future Range can be characterized as your “Cause in Life”.

Through personalized charts and private readings, Numbers can provide laser-like insight into a person’s Destiny, Purpose, personal characteristics, behavior patterns, strengths and weaknesses to establish self-understanding, which increases self-esteem, and empowers those wanting to take enlightened control of their life.  The Destiny number is the numeric total corresponding to the letters of your full, given name.

Written by jericho99

June 27, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Numerology Chart – Core Numbers

numerology chart - soul urge number, destiny number, life path number, expression numberIn this article, we are going to introduce you to the “core” of your Numerology chart …your four most important numbers, that really help to define you as a person.

These numbers are your Life Path Number, your Expression Number, your Soul Urge Number and your Destiny Number.

If you would like to know what your numbers are be sure to get a free numerology report by visiting the link. You can then use it while reading along with this article to better understand what your numbers mean.

Whether you are punching your birthday and full name into a computer program or asking a numerologist to do your calculations in person, almost every numerology report contains these four elements:

  • The Life Path Number that is based on your BIRTHDATE
  • The Expression Number (sometimes referred to as the Personality Number, Potential Number and Destiny number) that is based on ALL THE LETTERS OF YOUR FULL NAME GIVEN AT BIRTH.
  • The Soul Urge Number (sometimes also called the Soul, Soul Path or Heart’s Desire number) that is based on a reduction of the VOWELS in your full birth name.
  • The Destiny Number (sometimes also described as the Inner Dreams, Inner You or Karmic Number) that is based on a reduction of the CONSONANTS in your full birth name.

First of all lets look at the divination of the LIFE PATH number. The Life Path Number is calculated from assigning a numeric value (which don’t worry! we will provide for you next week) to your birthday (which must be written out in long form as in 05/25/1959 as opposed to 05/25/59.)

The Life Path Number is perhaps the most commonly requested reading of all of the numerology readings as it is the easiest and fastest to do. It describes your journey through life and what you can best hope to accomplish.

However simply looking just at your Life path number does not constitute what I would call a full reading. Even a reading that consists of just the four core elements is not a complete analysis as it only describes the most likely projected path when you are born. It does not take into account special challenges or potential moments in time when you can use your free will in order to change what would otherwise be your fate.

The Life Path Number is the sum of your entire birthday including the year. This number represents whom you were when you came into this world and the extent of your potential and limitations physically, psychologically, spiritually and emotionally.

For instance a number Three may be born into this world with enormous talents and charisma but according to traditional numerology may not be able to sustain a relationship one on one for long because they are so busy following the calling of a successful career.

However, a number three who also has a Soul Urge Number of two (which is about finding true love) could meet a soul mate because they learn to transcend their personal fears and flaws. This is why it is important to look at all four of the CORE calculations before you assess a person’s numerology chart.

The next core number you will be learning how to calculate in this course is your EXPRESSION number. This number is derived from all of the numbers in your full birth name. Not your married or pen name. It must be the name you were born with including all of your middle names.

The Expression Number is the number that describes all of the talents and personal potential that you will have at your disposal during this lifetime. This is the number that describes the ideal version of you that can develop if you make the right choices in life.

Some people are often quite daunted when they first calculate their Expression number as usually the interpretation describes ideals that may seem impossible to attain. Either that or they feel disappointed in themselves because the interpretation somehow “rings a bell” and they realize that they have achieved their potential so far in this lifetime.

One of the values of performing the Expression Number calculation is that it can be a wake up call that shows you just how far you have strayed from your heart’s desires.

In essence, it can help you remember what it was you always wanted to be when you were a little girl or boy. For instance, a stockbroker, with a Life Path number of materialistic eight might have an Expression number of nine, which means despite accumulated wealth his or her real desire might be to adopt children or be a philanthropist.

Without the fulfillment of the ideals of their Expression number in their lives people often feel empty or depressed no matter how successful they are.

Although you may find it difficult to live up to the expectations of your Expression number, the reading is almost always a call to action that asks you to live in the here and now and fulfill your original ambitions.

Your SOUL URGE number is calculated from the VOWELS in your full birth name. The unique interpretation that results from this number can almost be described as the ethical measure of who you really are on this earth. It defines what or whom you value most and describes “what makes you bloom and what makes you wilt.”

Your Soul Urge Number is a very spiritual reading and the value of it’s calculation is that the resulting interpretation often points you in the direction of where you can find real fulfillment in life. By this I mean the “food for your soul” that can help you thrive, rather than just survive from day to day.

The Soul Urge number is often revelatory because it also describes your inner desires as opposed to the limitations of your birth as imposed by the Life Path Number or your higher calling as described by the Expression Number.

For instance, a person with a spiritually oriented number 9 Life Path Number could feel rather lonely if they have devoted their life to chastity and the church if their Soul Urge Number is actually a number two which is about finding a soul mate.

As you can see, as we go on describing the function of the four core numbers that the readings can be as contradictory and complex as our personalities.

The fourth core number, the KARMIC number is arrived at through the reduction of the consonants in your name. This is the number that describes your secret fears, hopes and fantasies. It also represents the mysteries of the unknown. Some numerologists ascribe this number as possessing the traits of a person that you were in another life. At any rate, it describes the individual that you are on a subconscious level.

The Karmic number also possesses the odd quality of describing how others might see you as a first impression. It is considered to be a description of your astral imprint and what effect it has on other people and situations.

For instance, a nurturing Life Path number six might strike others as a busybody or interfering character if his or her Karmic number is number one which is a number about vainglorious achievement. The Life Path number six might be truly oblivious to other’s perception that he or she is taking others to seem “holier than thou” thanks to the distortion provided by the Karmic Number Three.

If anything, the Karmic Number can explain why sometimes you feel like you are “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” and why sometimes you may have strange dreams or feel compelled by strange or irrational urges that even to yourself seem “out of character.”

Written by jericho99

June 13, 2011 at 1:49 pm